The Storytelling Leader

The Workshop


Activate your team’s voice of leadership influence.

Learn to tell leadership stories that create engagement and belief so that people will act.

In a world of complexity and noise, attention is scarce.

Story is the language that punches through the noise. It engages instantly. It’s a “human to human” technology. And it creates powerful moments of connection around your most urgent work.

You and your leaders should be telling stories. I can help with that.


I need to tell stories because…

  • Tell a story that will “unstick” the system so that people will move. Teams will engage. Customers will buy.

  • Stories will breathe life, clarity, and energy into your science, technology, data, or strategy message.

  • Organizations and markets are emotional systems. That’s why your data doesn’t inspire action. Tell a story that will align people to act.


What is “The Storytelling Leader”?

It’s one of the organizational world’s premiere, active learning experiences for building story capacity. “The Storytelling Leader” has been embraced by the world’s most influential organizations. (And many smaller ones that are on the fast track to influence!)

In just a single day (live, or virtually), your team of leaders will find, develop, and tell the narrative assets around their most urgent work.

And they will leave with a highly engaging, transformative message they can activate tomorrow.

Some of the organizations that love this workshop…

What will happen during the workshop?

  • Explore story circles as a leadership structure.

    Story circles are humanity’s oldest technology for connection and sense-making. Today, this old idea is finding new application in innovation environments. Bring your teams together to tell their stories and draw actionable wisdom from them. When you do, you create a rich culture of knowledge creation, shared identity, living values, and engaged membership. Stories are that powerful!

  • Find the stories you didn't know you knew.

    Using innovative resources like The Leadership Story Deck, you’ll uncover your “narrative assets”; the value-holding stories that say something potent about your team, your work, or your offering.

  • Plan to tell your stories with impact.

    So you’ve identified a story asset you need to bring to your customers or stakeholders. Wouldn’t it be cool if you could tell that story really well? Using resources like the Story Canvas, you will craft an unforgettable narrative that will land with maximum impact.

  • Activate your story-driven message.

    Work in teams to generate highly persuasive messages that engage people at the level of emotion… and bring urgency to the work you’re doing now. In just a single day, the team will be ready to activate the stories that create engagement and belief so people will act.

You’ll receive an innovative suite of resources to jumpstart your story work.

One of the most popular parts of The Storytelling Leader is the innovative Participant Kit. Your leaders will receive the suite of one-of-a-kind resources that will accelerate their learning and then keep the work alive, long after the program. Doing this virtually? Not a problem. The kits can be shipped right to your door.

Your team will get:

  • A durable, beautifully boxed Participant Kit

  • A large “Story Canvas” that can be used over and over again

  • The famous Leadership Story Deck

  • The Story Dash Cards for change and transformation storytelling

  • “How to Host a Story Circle” strategic planning guide

  • A sticker. Because everyone likes stickers.


The major return on engagement.

Story is the language that breathes life into your identity, purpose, values, and more. When you tell stories about who you are, what you do, and why you do it, your culture, values, and brand are more than just words on a website. They become differentiators: animated, alive, urgent.



That’s the amount of revenue growth for organizations that demonstrate their purpose and values versus those that don’t. *Kotter and Heskett: “Corporate Culture and Performance”


Increase in financial results for companies that activate their stories of values, versus those that do not. *Collins and Porras: “Built to Last”


Percentage of companies who say that values are the most important consideration for choosing a corporate partner. “Innovation” and “Dominates the market” each received only 20%. *Study from AdWeek and Forbes

Get in touch now to dive into the rich world of your own stories.

Santa Clara, California


Not ready for the full workshop?

Try The Storytelling Leader Online—a DIY Master Class-style e-course that features much of the same learning but at a fraction of the cost.